Do you wish to have a beautiful radient skin? Wanna get rid of unwanted marks and swelling issues on face? Do you have pimples or acne issues? Wants to have proper blood circulation? Are you old, and wants to have a wrinkle free face... or in other words tightened face? For those of you who are are girls, wishes to have beautiful look without any makeup on?
For all the questions above, there is only one answer: ICE CUBES. Countless benefits of rubbing ice cubes have been discovered and many few of us are aware about the wonders that an ice cube can do for our faces.
Ice cubes have got the tendency to soothe the skin, it helps in removing unwanted marks present on face.
It gives a glowy look, provides an extra ordinary shinny skin.
Reduces dark circles.
Removes the puffiness under the eyes.
Continuous rubbing of ice cubes on lips, make lips pink.
It is also beneficial for the ageing people to get rid of their wrinkles.
It cures the heat rashes and soften the skin... best for sun burns.
Message is a great way of getting rid of stress. Rubbing an ice cube all over your face will rejuvenate the skin.
Moreover, it is best for the oily skin. Reduces oilliness from skin and provides oil-free look.
There are so many benefits of ice cubes for human face. My most favourite use of ice cube is a massage... which i often call "free massage". I would recommend