Head up, look around on that offline life
All day every day, especially in this pandemic, we scroll our Instagram feed and tap those pretty- perfect pictures of the bloggers, the celebrities we follow. Sometimes we just stare them and praise their beauty so much that we made them our ideals. It effects our self-esteem so much that we demean our selves to be like them. We are getting so much involved in these online posts that we have started to believe that these are all perfect and flawless.
Filters and editing:
At times editing and filters can become dangerous and in the upcoming discussion you can see how. Playing around with snap-chat and Instagram filter is all well but it sucks when people starts believing and liking those filter faces more than the original one. They loose their selves and their confidence to show up their real faces with its flaws,whatever it have. Like, it is possible for a person to give volume to their lips by editing, to thick their brows and whatever features they want to change. And a day came when they start hating their real features and want to go for surgeries and things like that. Please remember not everything you see in the first image is real. It is beautiful to accept your flaws and shine with it.
2. Photo shopped
We as a whole realize that the vast majority share an admired form of themselves via web-based networking media, singling out simply the best pictures, contemplation, and encounters to impart to the world. Be that as it may, some Instagram VIPs have taken this idea to the outrageous. They hit their admirers with photo shopped pictures that are so distant from reality that they can plant seeds of uncertainty in certain individuals' brains, driving them to make progress toward ridiculous self-perception at incredible expense to their confidence and emotional well-being.
3. Poses
Poses do make a huge difference when it comes to Instagram pictures. Like sitting in a upright position, sucking in a little, and wearing high waisted leggings can make a person body seems like skinny. And all of us know how much individuals these are fond of skinny body. They see a picture of someone looking skinny on the Instagram feed and make their bodies a goal. It's good to work for your body but it ain't of any good to overspend yourself for the sake of people only and competing with their online-perfect lives.
4. Emotions
Presenting yourself perfect on Instagram and being very opposite in real life is more like playing to your followers emotions. So, it's good for us to know that all emotions shown on Instagram aren't real and to get yourself out from these fantasies.
In conclusion, We need to remember that everyone post the best version of their selves on Instagram. The best poses, lightnings and angles. So when you sit there and compare yourself with any of the Instagram blogger or celebrity, Just know that no one is perfect. And your flaws are beautiful. Don't let social media fool you in any way.