Hey, you nigga, pass the ball! Among the roaring crowd in a football field, a person shouted to a football player. The match seems to go on after the person from the audience calls out the player. But does it actually seem like the match is still continued. The word is still pondering in the head of that very player. The match is over, the field is empty, but the mind of the player is still filled with that one shout. He is still thinking about what was the need of bringing his race to bash him. And this thought of him makes us realize, why is this world still holding grudges on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion and cultural differences. Where is it actually coming from? Does a specific ethnic group bring up a cluster of misfortune with them? I do not think this is possible. This racism and discrimination, sometimes, outcast all the productive benefits that these diversified groups bring with them. However, with the coming time, people’s perspectives are, somehow, changing. For instance, a movement like “Black Lives Matter '' has brought a phenomenal change in the thinking of people and has proved that people are overcoming these differences and standing up together against one odd, that is called Evil. It is high time we work on ourselves and make ourselves realize that these differences can only make us more frail, therefore we must stand united against the real odds.
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