Agree or not, almost anyone who uses social media constantly is addicted to it. As soon we take a break from work and we grab our phone to check out what’s new on Instagram. Even if we go out at lunch, we take our phones with us. We go to bed; we keep scrolling through Facebook. It is controlling our lives and we cannot do anything about it, so what if we use it effectively.
Some of the mistakes people make using social media is that they have no idea why they are using it, they just kept on scrolling and literally waste their time. A lot of people have business Facebook pages and company Instagram accounts, but instead of using them they follow meme accounts or watch funny videos on YouTube most of the time. In order to reinvent your social media goals you need to know why you’re using social media. What is the need to have business pages and professional accounts, when you’re not doing anything significant? Many people respond with such excuses that they share one post on their business account daily. Seriously, you think that’s enough? It seems like you want to get over with posting and carry on with fun stuff. Though I am not against entertainment but I value time! Not only you should post few times a day, but you must also engage with your followers and respond to their messages and comments. It is important to build a social community to have a flow of business. If you want to redefine your social networking goals, then you need to make your business social media accounts your first priority. You have to minimize other activities that are not valuable such as sharing memes, fighting on comments and doing useless long chats, these are some common activities that a lot of users are indulged in on social media. On the other hand, if they simply utilize this time to meet new people, engage themselves in different ventures or help someone from their social circle, they could bring a definite positive change in the society.
I know it will be boring for you if you’re less motivated but I assure you that once you start doing it you will become more productive and you will see how your perspective will change. So start from today and try to understand the idea of quality over quantity.