Have you ever heard of a children’s nursery rhyme?
I grew up hearing it. It was something people said to remind us (kids) that other people’s words couldn’t really do any damage to us. It was meant to increase our resilience when we were called names or bullied.
The thing is, it could not be further form the truth. The words of others can seriously hurt us. They bury under our skin. They cut into our self belief, our self worth. They stop us to feel safe from the world.
When we are told something enough times, no matter how awful those words are we start to believe them. They became a part of our internal script. Our inner critic starts to repeat them to us. We start to see the world through those words.
We carry the words of other with us throughout our lives.
Yes stick and stones and can break our bones. But words can too. They can break our spirit, and start a cascade of hurt and change inside us that can outlast a physical injury. Just because the situation is not a physical threat does not mean its not threatening.
Negative words that you say or anyone else may say, can seriously effect your mental health, and how you feel about yourself. Things you could do to save yourself from such situations includes; telling someone you trust it could be a family member, a friend or anyone that can help you, secondly, Ignoring bullies is the best way to take away their power other than that you can resist the urge to retaliate or response, Walking away or taking a break when you're faced with online bullying gives you some space so you won't be tempted to fire back a response or engage with the bully or bullies. Lastly, Report the bully or block the bully may also work.
Words are powerful. Whether they’re good or bad. Lets try and make sure that everything we say and do is good, and positive!
great work. :))))