Stress has become a disease in this society, which is caused due to various reasons such as work, family/personal relationships, and social life problems.
There are various emotions in humans such as anxiety, courage, anger, and stress. Emotions can easily be controlled, the only thing that matters is how we develop and design them in ourselves so that it starts to benefit us.
These emotions must be used at the correct time, for instance when a person is angry he should have the courage to control it at the right moment and indulge himself in doing some highly concentrated work as you are very focused at that point.
If someone wants to learn to control emotions and use them for himself at the right time then he should look forward to talking to elderly people or doctors who have knowledge and experience in this and can guide us towards the right path. Next, there are many self-help books and YouTube videos to help you control your emotions.
Stress causes high blood pressures, sugar, migraine, etc. It also makes a person a poor decision-maker. Control over negative stress at the right time can result in personality growth too.
While you see other people in stress, YOU LEARN! We learn from their behavior in stress. We can also assist these people with a cool mind and this is only possible when we learn to share our sadness or happiness with others.