No doubt, that this era is full of unfulfilled promises. People No more think before making a promise. They often make promises with zero intentions of fulfilling it.
However such promises can have everlasting consequences, which may cause great harm to your reputation and relationship. Next, when a liar is not caught, he starts believing that he would never be caught hence these lies won’t ever cause him harm, but that’s absurd. There comes a time when they are caught, at times people who have been cheated on with the lies do forgive, but unfortunately, they will never forget, loosening the bonds of your relationship with them forever.
Trust is the key that keeps any relationship bounded. Trust is built through shared experiences. However, when promises are left unfulfilled without any appropriate reason doubt spreads within that relationship. Hence it’s always better not to make a promise which you can’t keep.
However, there can be exceptions to this as in some cases unfulfilled promises can be forgiven as there can be unavoidable events that might delay or stop you from doing what you promised.
Unfulfilling a promise and lying about it can be of many types, which includes telling half-truths which are complete lies or, spinning the truth or exaggerating it. All this weakens your credibility in front of people around you.
Before telling a lie always think of yourself being cheated the same way. Next, always remember to keep your word, if you succeed to do that you’ll love the pride you would get in setting standards for yourself.